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Daily Archives: February 1, 2021

Play YouTube On off Screen

Play YouTube On off Screen. Hi guys, you know that we introduced many different types of applications through this website and all of them are very useful to our readers.
Likewise today iam going to introduce such an entirely different application for you.Did you ever want to enjoy Youtube Videos with screen Off to save your battery

The name of the app is ” screen off keep playing ” . Do you understand anything about this app while you see the name of the app ? I think someone got a small idea about this app. Bit don’t worry. Let me describe you about this app and it’s features.It is a common problem of many smartphones that the battery is draining highly while playing any games or watching offline videos or youtube videos. Due to this problem many people were unable to spend on youtube for important matters also. Because their smartphone will get heated and battery become low in a shoer period of time.

Play YouTube On off Screen .


But don’t worry. This app will help you to solve this problem. You know that the above mentioned problem happen because of the continuous worko g of your smartphone.Youtube Videos with screen Off to save your battery
But if you install this app you can able to play any videos on youtube or from some other apps like gallery by off your smartphone’s screen or display. That means if you only want to hear a song, speech, interviews e.t.c from the apps like youtube, you doesn’t want to see the background of particular video. In such cases this application is really a helpful one for you. That means you can able to hear such things by off your screen and it will help you to reduce the heating and the battery draining.

This feature is like you hear a MP3 song from your smartphone. For enable this install this app using the given link. After that open the app and provide necessary permissions. Then you can able to see a notification on notification bar. Click it on or the chat head ( enable it from the app ) to activate this feature. If you want to disable this feature you just want to double click on the screen.
Try this app if you are interested with the features of this app.

CLICK HERE TO INSTALL Play YouTube On off Screenapplication

Digital Clock & Battery Charge

Hi guys, today I am going to introduce a very useful and interesting application for you. Iam definitely sure that you may not see such an application before. Because the features and the functions of this act is really interesting. That’s why we introduced this application for our readers. The name of this application is ” digital clock and battery charge ” .
you may understand that this application is related to things like clock when you read the name of the application.

your guess is right. But the features of this application is not only that but also this application is also provide meaning awesome features for you.
In short we can say that this application will help you to enable many awesome features in your smartphone.
Actually this is a live wallpaper application.
It also contains the features like

main feature Digital Clock & Battery Charge

  • Date and time digital clock.
  • Platform information
  • Device basic information
  • Sensor information
  • Compass
  • External memory usage
  • Internal memory usage

This app with speaking clock is ideal for all cyclists, car drivers, sport persons, visually impaired persons or all persons who are currently not able to take a look on their watch.
The speaking clock can be triggered by double tapping the screen of the phone.
With the special night clock mode, you do not need to open your eyes, just double tap the screen and the time will be announced.

Digital Clock & Battery Charge

This application is very useful one for people who ride on bikes, car drivers, cyclists, sportsmen e.t.c.
That means you can able to recognise time while you on above mentioned situations. You just want to double tap on your screen for that and the time will be say by the app to you. You can also able to change voice language from this app. Likewise you can also able to edit many features in this app.
This application also support the features like night clock and wet alarm.

You can able to set alarm using this app. The live wallpaper of this app are really awesome and so beautiful with many inbuilt useful features.
So try this app if you want to enjoy the features of this app.