We are all whats app users.sometime,we may try to WHATS APP ONLINE TRACKER usage of our friends. But we can’t able to do it. For this purpose,there are so many applications in play store. But majority of them will not work properly.But using this application. You can able to track the whats app usage of anyone. I am sure that this application is really a helpful one. For all who would like to track the whats app usage of their friends and family members.
Using this application you can able to track the whats app usage of anybody very easily within a short period of time. You doesn’t want to take the smartphone which you would like to track. If you are a user of this application. You just need the phone number of the target person to track and you can able track his/her whats app usage very easily.
After install this application. Just select your country code and enter the phone number which you want to track.If you done all these steps successfully. You will get a notification when the target person will come online and go offline. That means you can also able to understand that,how much time his/her spend their time in whats app daily.
WHATS APP ONLINE TRACKER is a very useful one for parents. Because using this application,they can able to understand about the whats app usage of their children very easily. The method of working og this application is very simple and it’s features are outstanding one. So anyone who have a smartphone can able to use this application.
Iam sure that,this application will provide you a different experience in the world of whats app tracking. So i recommend you to install this application