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URL shortener application

Hi guys, welcome back to another tech update. Today also we are going to add another awesome application to the list of applications that we introduced through this website.
By using this application you can able to make a task easier in your daily life. This application provide only one feature. But like I mentioned above this feature is really e and useful one for all smartphone users.URL shortener

URL shortener

Actually this is a URL shortener application. Do you know what is URL shortening ? I will describe it for those who didn’t know about the URL shortening feature.

URL shortener

What is URL shortening

in short we can say that a URL shortening is a method which help you to to short URL lengthier URL. Dar means wild week copy URL of any website it will be a lengthier one. So it will not be feel as an attractive one.
But you can able to short such links for look like good.

Why do you want to do like URL shortener ?

if you copy a lengthier URL of your website and share to your friends and to the groups through WhatsApp or any other social media platform, there is only a less chance to click that link by your family members, your friends or by someone. so if you are expecting a rich through sharing the URL of your website you will not get it if you share a lengthier URL of your website or the posts in your website. So you can able to reduce its size using the URL shortening applications.
This application is also a URL shortening application. That means you can also able to use this application for this purpose.

How to use URL shortener ?

There is no more mini difficult steps to shorten a URL of any website. You just want to install this application using the download now button below this post.

Open this application after install it using the given link below this post. Then sign up with your Google account. There is no other alternative option available for signup now. So you must want to sign up in this application using your Google account.

How to shorten a link using this application ?

First of all do all the above mentioned in the topic ” how to use ” . Then click on the ” + ” icon appear on down on right side. Then copy the you are that you want to shorten and paste it in this application.

You can also able to see the platforms of the URLs that you copied.

So install this application to shorten the URLs of any website in a simple way.

See you soon with another application.


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