Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you.The name of the application is ‘THUNDER VPN’.This application is really a fast application that provide you VPN(virtual private network) proxy service.You can able to use this application without any configuration.By just a single tap you can access your internet securly.
We all are internet users.We use internet for many purposes.Now a days there are many jobs also in internet.So internet became a day to day partner of our daily life.We wish to make our internet using much secure one.But sometimes,we may afraid of internet hacking.Due to this fear we can’t able to use internet efficiently.But this application will find a solution for this problem.If you are a user of this application,your internet connection will be encrypted.So any third parties can’t able to track your internet usage and other activities.
A VPN will establish a secret network across a public network.The applications that work based on the VPN will get a encryption from the functions,security of the public network.
All internet users can able to secure their online transaction within a VPN like this application.So your personal identity and location are completely encrypted by a VPN like ‘THUNDER VPN’.
The global VPN network of this application included the continents like America,Asia and Europe.But some countries among these continents didn’t included in this application for freely.You can own that by a little payment.So simply we can say this application is useful for all countries.There is no login policies in this application.There is no additional permissions for this application
If sometimes,the VPN connection will face a problem,Just click on the flag option above the application and click the refresh button and reconnect with a fastest server.
In short,this is a complete secure application.You can make your data connection as a secure one with this application.