Hi guys,today i would like to introduce an entirely different application for you. Iam sure that this application is really an useful one for all smartphone users. The name of this application is ‘WAMR’.By using this application you can able to RECOVER DELETED MASSAGE of social media applications very easily.
While we use the social media applications like whats app and messenger. We may chat with our friends and with others. Now a days,what app and Instagram bring a new updation for the users.In this update. The users can able to delete the message from their smartphone and from the message receiver’s smartphone. By using this feature one can able to RECOVER DELETED MASSAGE a sended message in whats app. Instagram before seeing the message by your friends.This feature is really a useful one for all whats app users.
Because if you send a wrong message or sending a message unconsciously. You can able to delete it from the message receiver’s smartphone before they see the message. In this feature,you can able to delete text messages,audios,videos,photos,GIF and stickers e.t.c.
When we open our whats app. Sometime we may see a whats app message deleted notification. When we see this message,we are very anxious to see the message that our friends send to us. But till you use this application in your smartphone. You can’t able to see the deleted messages of whats app or other applications.
But if you are a user of this application. I am definitely sure that you can able to see all the deleted messages very easily including text messages,audio,video,images,documents,GIF,stickers e.t.c. After install this application in your smartphone. If anyone send a message to you and they deleted it before you see it. You can able to see it with the help of this awesome application.
The full form of ‘WAMR’ is ‘whats app message recover‘.When you use this application. You must confirm that this is the best application that you ever seen. I am sure that each and every whats app user must search for an application like this in play tore or in some websites at least for a single time. Through this application you can also able to recover the deleted messages of almost all applications like w,Instagram,Facebook,telegram,you tube,ticktock,email e.t.c.
After install this application in your smartphone,open it and gave necessary permissions if needed. After that select the applications that you want to see the deleted messages of it. For example,if you select whats app. you can able to see a interface like whats app and you can able to your whats app contacts and the deleted text messages. After open this application and in the second option you can able to see the all deleted audio,video,document,GOF,stickers messages.
In the third option,you can able to download the whats app statuses of your friends very easily. So anyway,this application have so many attractive features like recovering deleted messages and download statuses. If you want to use the above mentioned features,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone