Hi guyz,today iam going to introduce multiple Whats app accounts on a single device.it is a very useful application for you.This app is related to whatsapp. That means if you use this app you can able to use some external whatsapp features.This appwill help you use multiple WA accounts on a single device.
The name of the app is “whats web”. When you see the name of this app you may confused that whatsapp web is a common feature.But using that whatsapp web app you can able to manage your whatsapp in your pc.But in the case of this app you can able to use that whatsapp been feature in your smartphone itself. That means you can able to use two different whatsapp accounts in a single smartphone itself. Iam definitely sure that this is a very useful feature.

The next feature is ” whats deleted “. By using this feature you can able to recover and see the deleted whatsapp messages in your smartphone. So you can able to see the messages deleted by your whatsapp contacts.multiple Whats app accounts on a single device
Next feature of this app id status saver.You may familiar with this feature. By using this feature you can able to download and share the whatsapp statuses very easily within a short period of time.
By using the whats cleaner feature you can able to clean the unwanted whatsapp messages like videos, images, gif, voice,documents e.t.c.
Direct chat is the next feature of this app.If you want to send a whatsapp message indirectly to anyone, this feature will help you.That means you can able to send whatsapp messages to anyone by just enter their whatsapp number and the message that you want to send to them. By unlocking the premium package of this app you can able to enjoy more useful features like remove ads e.t.c.
This app have majority features related to whatsapp and if you would like to use particular features in your smartphone,I recommend you to install this app in your smartphone.