Whats app latest features.Hifriends,today i would like to introduce a wonderful application for you.The name of the application is’TOOLS FOR WHATS APP’.When you see this name,you can understand that this is a whats app related application.That’s right.
We all whatsapp users.In some cases we may block some of our whatsapp contacts.The reason is not a valuable one.But if the reason is the continues calling of them there is a new application for it.If you are a user of this application you can able to block his/her call without block him directly through whatsapp.Because when we block anyone through whatsapp we can’t able receive/send messages or calls from him.Whats app latest features
But if you block anyone using this application you will receive all his messages except whatsapp calls(audio/video).If he/she will try to call you through whatsapp it will reach in your smartphone in the form of a normal call.And also if you didn’t want to receive normal call also you can able to disable it also or change the call mode into some other things like ‘call home,call work,call other,open contact badge e.t.c.This is one of the attractive feature of this application.
Application features
This application have also some another attractive features.You can send unlimited photos to a whatsapp contact in a single time using the free version of this application.Whats app latest features
If you will receive a whatsapp message from anyone and you would like to said to your friends that “that message is coming from another contact”.At that time they ask you to show it.What will you do at that time?You can’t able to show it using your current knowledge.But ‘TOOLS FOR WHATSAPP’ application helps you in such situations.
The ‘QUOTE’ option in this application helps you to change the name of your whatsapp contact who send you the message.For that you just do a simple thing.Copy the message from whatsapp and paste it in the ‘QUOTE’ option of this application and change the name of the person in the ‘rename contacts’ option.