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GEMS Education Careers

GEMS Education About Us

In 1959, two educators, KS Varkey and his significant other Mariama, touched base in Dubai.
At the time, Dubai was a thriving exchange focus on the Arabian Gulf. The Varkey family had left Kerala, India to look for a superior life for their family. What they found was a genuine need to teach youngsters touching base in the city from around the globe.

Their child, Sunny, added a visionary’s aspiration to an expert’s affair. From straightforward roots in a group of educators, GEMS Education, is today a worldwide organization with schools and instruction benefits in 14 nations. Despite everything we have a similar mission – to give a quality instruction to everybody.

Work with us

Over our worldwide areas, we utilize more than 14,000 experts including educators, school pioneers, school directors, instruction masters, advisors, corporate and bolster staff. Pearls is the biggest manager of British and Indian educators outside their nations of origin. A vocation with GEMS offers every one of the open doors connected with a dynamic, worldwide association, including universal prospects, proficient advancement, profession movement and the opportunity to work with a portion of the first instructive experts from around the globe.


Job tittle Job Type  join now
 English and Media Teachers  Teaching Apply Now 
Teacher of Psychology and Sociology  Teaching  Apply Now
 Physics Teachers   Teaching  Apply Now
 Art Teachers    Teaching  Apply Now
 Head of School Non-Teaching  Apply Now
Foundation Stage Teacher 
 Teaching  Apply Now
 English Teacher   Teaching  Apply Now
 Primary Teachers    Teaching  Apply Now
 SENCO  Teaching  Apply Now
 Maths Teacher   Teaching  Apply Now
 PYP Teachers    Teaching  Apply Now
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